Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Module 4 Activity 7

The module is almost however I am at activity 7, this was very short since it was just based on assessing each group member's Activity 6- activity and rubric. It so happened that each member in my group did activity 6A which i also did so it made it easy for me to simple go through instead of having to take a read up on the criteria for 6B and 6C. The members of my group did really well, better than me I might even add; I enjoyed looking at the activities and hope that each member of the group along with the whole team keep working hard on their  assignments.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Module 4 Activity 6A

In activity 6 I had some fun creating a tool that assessed  students based on their Internet literacy skills; it was quite simple  since i am accustomed to  give my students questions to research whether to present to the class or just to find out the answer. I used my experience by placing the students into groups and create 5 simple questions from the topic data communication. the checklist I created was very simple and catered for  formative feedback. Activities like this helps students to develop their ability to research and evaluate the information they retrieve. I suggest that more activities  like this( for the students)  be done as long as they are carried out effectively. This activity  was very interesting.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Module 4 activity 5

Module 5 got off to a bad start for me, I was somewhat confused on how to proceed on this activity, however as I was given help from my colleagues I got to understand that it was simply creating an assessment tool to assess other assessment tools whether it is rubrics or checklists. This activity helped me really assess what I normally do when i create rubrics and checklists and it helped me pay attention to the criteria I place in my rubrics. After all I enjoyed this activity because now my assessment tools would be created to assess process and product and they will be more formative so my students can have a better assessment of their work. I look forward to the upcoming activity 6