Thursday, 11 September 2014

Module 8 activity 7 Tablets in the classroom

Tablets in the classroom was quite an interesting activity, I basically learned that like all other devices that are used there are pros and cons. from the activity I can conclude that there are more pros than cons with using tablets in the classroom, think about. In my classroom if tablets are used the students would misbehave less since they would be occupied, there are many apps available so students can use them for a variety of purposes- tablets can be used to take pictures, access social networking sites, view videos, type school work and more, not to mention that these days they are one of the cheapest devices available. I recommend teachers to employ the use of tablets in the classroom. the activity's examples were enough proof that they can improve teaching and learning in the classroom.

management of tablets in the classroom maybe an issue since students may become carried away so I learned that as teachers we need to be more vigilant and manage the internet properly and encourage students to use apps the tablets wisely because usually once they drop that they will be  broken.

tablets are great for the classroom as long as they are properly managed.

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