Tuesday 9 April 2013

Activity 8 reflection

A quite interesting activity, firstly I want to mention about the first research question-- how does the availability of ICT changes the use of classroom spaces? The author of the paper shared exactly what I was thinking--The classroom must be completely revolutionised, there must now be access to online resources, video displays, data projectors, students must now be seating in a non-traditional/conventional way to ensure student collaboration and use of ICT tools, teacher now takes up a more facilitator role that being the centre of the lesson. I also learnt that if teachers are to use ICT as an integrated part of lessons it would mean teachers would need to plan for it, causing a change in the curriculum basically, so teachers and administrators now have to go through curriculum reform. I am always first scared about the amount of reading that is required but I get to realise that the readings are beneficial to me as a teacher, soi continue reading.

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