Tuesday 12 March 2013

General Activity 4 reflection

Activity 4 was quite a mouthful, seemed like a lot of reading but very beneficial to any educator.
I've got to understand from both spontaneous learning and the experiments conducted by Dr Mitra that students actively construct their knowledge in a context, rather than simply absorbing ideas spoken at them by teachers. Children invent their ideas and they also assimilate new information to simple, pre-existing notions, and modify their understanding in light of new data. so sometimes we as teachers need to simply be a guide and allow students to construct knowledge based on observation, discovery through play with concrete objects and collaboration with other students. I also learned that it is the role of educators to decide what knowledge should be passed on to learners, how to pass on the knowledge, and at what stage a learner should undertake the learning but educators should learn to link scientific concepts with real world experiences and students will have a better learning experience

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