Wednesday 24 September 2014

Module 8 Activity 11 Flipped classrooms

This activity was a good one, I learned quite a lot. I have never heard bout flipped classroom before so I paid close attention to the pros, cons and how to set up a flipped classroom.

Ive learned a few important things: the videos should not be long because it may bore the students especially how they are using their own time to view the video. one great thing i have learned is that  flipped classrooms is student centred which helps them develop autonomy. I believe that flipped classrooms helps make life easier for the teacher since students come prepared for class and I was convinced from the activity to try this tool with my students. It may not work with all forms but by trying I will realise who it works best with then I can prepare videos. Internet may be a problem for some students so that is one of the drawbacks but students may view the short videos before class since schools have Internet access for all students.

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